Monday, January 26, 2009

Soooo Pretty

As I arose early yesterday morning ready to pack and leave from the cabin, I walked out onto our front porch and there was this beautiful view! This is why I love it there. No matter what season it is, it is always beautiful.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tribute To My Father

Today is the birthday of one of the people I most admire in my life....My father. He would have been 80 years old today. Dr. Thomas H. Pettit left this life almost 4 years ago. He lived an exemplary life both in his professional and his private life. He was not perfect but he lived a near perfect life. I composed a song for his funeral and one line truly expressed my belief of his life...."The goodness you gave cannot be repaid, you showed how to love with each passing day, with your heart of gold, the success need not be told, your gift of greatness, my heart will ever hold." Thanks Daddy for being the greatest example to me..I Love You!

Weekend at Our Cabin

We had a wonderful time with family and friends on MLK weekend. It seems like we can't get away enough lately but we are trying to make an effort to take some more time off from our weekly grind.

Tate and the Boys

Garen and Bogey


Family and Friends!

The Place to Get Away From it All

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Eve

Ya....we still want to dress up
and do the the Nativity. We love it!
We miss Tanner being the Shepherd!

More of the 12 Days of Christmas

Another 12 days of Christmas tradition is spending the closest Saturday night at a Hotel by Temple Square. We then go to Temple Square to see the lights. Then Sunday morning we go to the Christmas Spoken Word. It is just so amazing to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing live and also
seeing the prophet. It just adds the exclamation mark at the end of our Christmas Season. It really puts the "Christ" in Christmas.