Tuesday, February 9, 2010

YEA....they did it!

Our Timpview cheerleaders did something they have never done in the history of the school. This week they won "USA's Grand Champions". This award is given to the top scorer of the entire competition. That is 42 squads. The squads come to compete against those who are in the same category as them. They are then judged and can be awarded a 1st or 2nd in their category. But then after all the awards are give out they give an award to the top scorer of all the squads. Timpview had an 18 out of 20, which is amazing. Almost a perfect score.  They have never won this before even when they have won State in Cheer. This is so awesome for them. They have worked so hard and have a bigger squad then ever before with more boys then ever and at times we thought they would never get a clean performance. Well they did. Now they have one more competition.....Nationals! Next month they will compete in Anaheim for it. Good Luck Timpview and to my girl Jordan.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Wow! Congratulations Jordan.