Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Our son, Payton, just returned from his 4 weeks in Alabama for the Air Force Field Training. He said it was the best experience he never wants to have again. While asking him to tell us about his experience, he said,"I did get an award there." Then he whips out this medal..."I got TOP GUN" Only a couple of cadets are awarded this out of the entire 361 cadets at FT. The TG's are the cadets that ranked #1 at field training from their peers and commanding officers. It has been awhile since another Top Gun came from BYU. He also could receive an additional scholarship for being "Top Gun". This will go on his record and help him receive a pilot slot, which he is working so hard for. Congrats Cadet Jeppesen!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Proud is the Word!

I have been wanting to post for so long what my oldest son, Payton, has been accomplishing. I don't have a picture of him in his uniform yet, but this will have to do for now. He makes a mom proud, not prideful but proud. He decided last year to join the BYU Air Force ROTC with aspirations of becoming a commercial pilot. Payton has always had the ability to see something he wants to accomplish and go after it. When he does this, he doesn't want to be just okay at it...he wants to be the very best at it. So last year he saved his money and spent hours getting his private pilot's license. This year he decided to become involved in the ROTC AF Color Guard for all BYU events. This means he is the one who helps put the flag up and down everyday on campus. He also presents the flag at the sporting events. He and his fellow cadets went to Calif. in March for the Color Guard Competition. The results of that competition were that this was the first time that BYU placed in over 9 years. They placed third. Soon after that he was made Color Guard Commander for BYU. He was also awarded a full ride scholarship through the Air Force. You may think that all 16 Cadets waiting for a scholarship would get one but because the AF is a highly demanded military branch they only had one to give out at BYU this year. We were thrilled. He also received a merit scholarship for academics. I am so proud that he loves this LAND and it's freedoms and that he is willing to serve in our military so that our freedoms can be preserved. Way to go Payton...You are flying high above the rest...your dreams of being a pilot are just within reach!